Storytelling is scalable

Why should entrepreneurs and business executives care about storytelling? Many reasons, but a frequently overlooked one is that storytelling is SCALABLE.

In their fine book on business storytelling, The Elements of Persuasion: Use Storytelling to Pitch Better, Sell Better and Win More Business ... co-authors Richard Maxwell and Robert Dickman explain that "a good story is infectious. It spreads like wildfire". Just as a good joke elicits surprise and in doing so draws its audience in to participate (in the form of laughter), corporations understand that good stories "deal with the unexpected and actively engage us in finding solutions." And once they find a good story, they tell it over and over on a large scale.

The Five Laws of Business Writing

1. Always tell the truth

2. Every story is an experience

3. Every story has a hero

4. Every hero has a goal

5. Every hero must meet obstacles

Why truth?
Because in an age of information overkill, truth is rare.

Why experience?
Because the audience must connect and be transformed.

Why a hero?
Because someone must drive the story.

Why a goal?
Because the audience must always feel there’s a finish line.

Why obstacles?
Because nothing worthwhile - in business or life - comes without a struggle.

The following are two excellent references that helped deepen my understanding of the rules of good storytelling. I was influenced by the first book a long time ago, the second much more recently.

1. The Hero's Journey (Joseph Campbell)

2. The Elements of Persuasion (Richard Maxwell and Robert Dickman)