Jonathan Verney, The Corporate Storyteller Inc. 

At age 6, I wanted to rule the world.
At age 18, I wanted to travel the world.
At 25, I became an accountant.
At 40, I became a writer.
At 50, I became a ghost.
What the heck happened?
“Life,” said the old man. 
“Life is what happened.”

For more info on how storytelling can boost your bottom line, be sure to check out my blog 

Or you can simply connect with me using the form to the right or email me a quick note at jverney at (Just make sure to change the "at" to @, please.)

Why wait any longer? If you want to write a business book or memoir or you're just interested in learning more about the process of writing one, I'll be happy to chat with you for half an hour at no obligation.



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“A writer is someone for whom writing is more difficult than it is for other people.”
   - Thomas Mann

"The process of writing is not the process of typing on the keyboard; it’s the process of crawling around on my carpet, organizing my piles. There are moments when ideas are flowing and I'm making connections and the structure’s falling into place and I’m crawling around moving the papers into the piles that are just the best moments of my job. And it’s like a form of prayer almost. Things are just happening."                          - David Brooks, Op-Ed columnist, New York Times