Hiding from the truth

Seth Godin writes a marketing blog 

It's easy to get caught up in learning and using the latest technological gimmick because there are so many new ones coming out al the time. But it's even easier to hide behind the gimmicks and unconsciously obscure the truth in your story.

This can happen because you're not sure of your story or because you don't yet know what it is. I think Seth Godin's post (below) is bang on. It made me wonder whether infographics are hiding the truth more than revealing it. here is his post:

Neophiliaas a form of hiding (by Seth Godin)

Every once in a while someone will say to me, "yeah, sure, I've heard that before... what do you have that's new?" In contemporary art or movies, it makes perfect sense to be focused on the bleeding edge, on the new idea that's never been previously contemplated.

But when we're discussing our goals, our passion and the way we interact with the culture, it seems to me that what works is significantly more important than what's new. Racing to build your organization around the latest social network tool or graphics-rendering technology permits you to spend a lot of time learning the new system and skiing in the fresh powder of the unproven, but it might just distract you from the difficult work of telling the truth, looking people in the eye and making a difference.

"I can't describe the value we deliver, I'm too busy integrating this new technology into my workflow!"All too often, the ones who are aggressively seeking the theory of the day don't have a lot to show for what they did yesterday.

Too true.